Westend61 | Westend61 | Getty Images Recent upticks in inflation have renewed interest from investors in assets that may help preserve the real (inflation-adjusted) value and purchasing power of their portfolio. The good news is that the typical investor’s portfolio will likely contain all the inflation-fighting tools that they need — such as stocks and
Sinenkiy | iStock | Getty Images The Social Security cost-of-living adjustment for 2022 could be the highest it has been in decades. The latest estimates from The Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan senior group, point to a possible 6.2% increase for next year based on the latest Consumer Price Index data. In comparison, this year’s
VALERIE MACON | AFP | Getty Images Social Security will be able to pay full benefits for just another 12 years, according to new estimates released this week. Experts, however. say that does not mean you should dramatically change your Social Security claiming strategy. Each year, the Social Security Administration releases an annual trustees report
Zero Creatives | Image Source | Getty Images The response to Covid-19 has marked a historic expansion in the size and coverage of government support for people experiencing unemployment. As we near the end of expanded federal unemployment insurance benefits, state governors now face a choice of whether to continue them. To that point, the
Sam Edwards | Getty Images As the year winds down, retirees eager to make charitable gifts may consider a tax-friendly donation from their individual retirement account. The strategy, known as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD, involves a direct payment from an IRA to an eligible charity. Retirees who are age 70½ and older may
jayk7 | Moment | Getty Images In the long run, inflation is an investor’s biggest threat. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money. Even modest inflation at 3% annually halves the value of money in 24 years. So outpacing inflation is the primary goal for long-term investors. Beating inflation was not a problem over the
Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones on stage during the band’s 1997-98 Bridges to Babylon tour. Paul Natkin | Archive Photos | Getty Images One of the greatest rock ‘n roll bands in the world recently lost their beat. Charlie Watts, who died on Aug. 24, had been the drummer for the Rolling Stones since
Charnchai | iStock | Getty Images If you’re among the many workers hoping to find a better position elsewhere, be sure to pay attention to the 401(k) plan account you’re leaving behind. Roughly 55% of workers say they’re going to look for a new job in the next year, according to a recent Bankrate survey.