Month: August 2023

What can Former President Trump’s previous tariff efforts—specifically the safeguards he authorized on imported washing machines in 2018—tell us about his most recent proposal for a 10 percent tariff on all imports? That each job saved would come at a severe cost to consumers and taxpayers. The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) recently released an
Source: Envato Elements Job openings and layoffs dropped slightly for another consecutive month in July, according to government data released on Tuesday. That slowdown is a sign the labor market is getting back to pre-pandemic patterns, economists say. The number of job openings edged down to 8.8 million in July, dropping from 9.58 million in June, reported
In 2017, Congress made several permanent changes to the taxation of foreign earnings. These changes included an end to the unlimited deferral of foreign earnings from U.S. taxable income and the introduction of new anti-avoidance rules alongside a dividends-received deduction for corporations. A major case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court (Moore v. United States)